Our bags are custom made in Mexico we have 90, 200, and 400 micron bags as well as a green pool bag for heavy cleaning of leaves and other junk. The bags are made of durable Nylon Mesh and come in 90, 200, and 400 microns for various levels of cleaning. Double stitched for stronger use. The bags measure 15in by 30 inches long and have an opening 31 inches in diameter. Our bags fit all major pool vacuum systems including Bottom Feeder, Rip Tide, Hammer Head, and Power Vac. The bungees are 3/8 inch 1:25 stretch to help keep your bag in place while in use. Easily removed and reattached for cleaning on the more popular vacuum systems including Bottom feeder, Hammer Head, Rip Tide and Power Vac. Shipping cost will be adjusted on multiple orders ONLY according to how much you paid and you will receive refund on shipping cost!